Monday, December 7, 2009

Blogging with 7H

Join students from 7H as we follow the Vancouver 2010 Olympics.

Sur cette page, les élèves de 7H partageront leurs opinions sur les Olympiques à Vancouver. Nous allons suivre le progès de/du et ses athlètes.


  1. Hello, we are making great progress on our project and searches and it's very interesting. You get to know more about other countrys and there heritage/nationality.

  2. Hi we are macking relly good progess on our projet and having lots of fun at the same time. And learning at the same time

  3. Hello, we are making excellent progress on our project. The project is so intereting and fun best class of the day.

  4. I had lots of fun today when we did the skype call it was interesting to know all the interesting facts about them and their school i definatly think we should do this again!

  5. Skype call was awesome, very good experience, both schools have differences and things in commun. Hope we will do another!

  6. We had a "Skype Call" with a class in Sascatchewan today and I think it was a really neat expirence! I learned some things about Sascatchewan in genral, they're school, and we got to see there REALLY big check! I hope they had just as cool of an experience as we did and that we could do another Skype with them or another class.

    Je pense que notre "Skype Call" aujourd'hui étais vraiment intéresent! J'ai appris des choses à propos de Sascatchewan, leur école et on a vu leur très GRAND cheque! J'espère qu'on peut faire ceci encore!


  7. Appel de Skype:
    Je pense que notre appel de Skype était amusant Aujourd'hui! C'était amusant parce que nous avons appris des choses différentes sur leur école et leur projet olympique. C'est different que les écoles du Nouveau-Brunswick ne sont pas très différentes que les école au Regina. Nous devrions faire un autre appel de Skype encore quelque temps et apprendre de nouvelles choses!
    Megan Doiron :)

  8. Aujourd'hui le skype call etait amusant, c'etait interressant de entendre les reponse a nos question, et les reaction a les question qu'ils nous avons demander. J'aimerais qu'on le fait encor (:

  9. hi our project is comming along nicely and i have learned alot, we have just finished doing a skype call and learned a little about a school in regina.


  10. Hello, today the skype call that we did was awesome! It was great talking to them and learing a little bit about what life in Sascatchwan is like. Also, this project is great,were making great progess, its fun learing about athletes that are competing in the 2010 winter olympics. Can't wait to do another skype call! :D

  11. hi the call that we did tpday was relly fun because we got to find out alitle information on some of the schools that are doing it to


  12. Hello the skype call that we did yesterday to the class in saskatchawan was really awsome. i did not know that you could talk to people in a nother country through a webcam. in other words that was fun and i hope we can do it.

  13. The Skype call was Amazing!!!! I thought it was really cool that we can talk to class all the way in Saskatchewan. It was also awesome that we learned some things about them and they learned stuff about us. Project is super fun :)

  14. Hey that skype call was really fun and can't wait till the next time that we do another one ...because we might skype call with Irland!!!!!

  15. i think that the skype call whent really well and i enjoyd it alot

  16. I think that the skype call was great succes, and we got to communicate with other people that we didn't even know and it's like now you have a whole other class. But I enjoyed every minute of it.:)

  17. I had alot of fun doing the skipe call and I hope that I can do it again some time.It's a really good expirience with this.

  18. I thought that the skype call went very well and I look forward to the next call.

  19. I think that the skype call was sweat and that we learned a lot about there school.

  20. The skype call today was really fun! We learned a lot about Saskatchewan and the École Wilfred Walker. It's really interesting to learn about their life and to compare it with ours! :)

  21. The skype call was so much fun! It's alot cooler to talk to people far away than just right here in Fredericton! It was interseting to learn about what their school does differently and what they have in common with us. I think personally that using Skype is alot better than just writing back and forth! I hope we get to keep doing them and sometime soon!!

  22. Je pensais que c'était ci interessant de voir leur salle de classe. Ca resemble comme ils ont amaier parler avec nous, ausitant que nous avons amié leur parler

  23. I think it was cool that we could do something like this I had fun.

  24. Although I was sick for the Skype call, I heard it was very fun and I am looking forward to the next Skype call. We are doing very well with our projects. I can’t wait to post them.

  25. I was also sick for our Skype call, I heard that it was really fun and interesting to talk to the class in Saskatchawan. I excited to do our next our next Skype call! :)
    -Rachel :)

  26. Here is a cool website that I found:

    -Rachel :)

  27. Wow that is an awesome website, nice find Rachel!!!
